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Driving Tomorrow, Today.

We are committed to shaping the future of mobility with innovative and sustainable automotive solutions that meet the needs of today's Iraqi citizens.


Transforming Iraq's mobility for a sustainable, innovative future.

At Dara Auto, we envision a future where Iraq's mobility infrastructure is revolutionized through our commitment to sustainability, innovation, and customer-centricity. We aim to lead the shift towards environmentally friendly, fuel-efficient vehicles and services that not only enhance the quality of life for our consumers but also protect our planet for future generations. Our vision extends beyond vehicles to creating a comprehensive ecosystem that supports the needs and aspirations of Iraqi communities, driving forward with integrity, quality, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.


A Spectrum of Excellence: Eco-Friendly to Luxury.

The Family Anchor: Safety & Value.





For the Family, the car is more than a means of transport; it's a vessel of safety, comfort, and reliability for their loved ones. At Dara Auto, we understand these needs intimately, offering a selection of vehicles that prioritize safety features, spacious interiors, and fuel efficiency. Our range is designed to ensure that every family journey, whether it's a daily school run or a weekend adventure, is wrapped in security, comfort, and value, perfectly aligning with the Family Anchor's priorities.

The City Sprinter: Urban Agility & Efficiency.





Navigating the bustling streets and tight parking of urban Iraq calls for a vehicle that's as agile as it is efficient. The City Sprinter demands compact, fuel-efficient cars that never compromise on performance or practicality. Dara Auto's city-friendly lineup is built to maneuver through tight spaces effortlessly, ensuring that our urban customers enjoy a seamless, stress-free driving experience in the heart of the city, embodying the perfect balance between compact design and environmental responsibility.

The Professional Achiever: Efficiency Meets Prestige.





For the Professional Achiever, a car is a statement of success and a tool for efficiency. Dara Auto caters to this discerning customer with a fleet of vehicles that combine fuel efficiency, state-of-the-art technology, and a touch of luxury. Perfect for the demands of business and impressing clients, our vehicles reflect the professional image our customers strive for, ensuring they navigate their day with confidence, style, and unparalleled performance.

Why Choose Dara Auto?

Innovation, Integrity, and Sustainability at Every Turn.

Choosing Dara Auto means opting for a future where mobility is defined by innovative, eco-friendly, and customer-oriented automotive solutions. With a deep commitment to sustainability, quality, and community engagement, we're not just selling cars; we're building relationships based on trust, transparency, and a shared vision for a greener, more connected Iraq. Our diverse portfolio caters to every aspect of Iraqi life, from the bustling streets of the city to the serene landscapes of the countryside, ensuring that no matter your lifestyle or needs, Dara Auto has the perfect vehicle to drive you forward.

DALL·E 2024-04-04 05.54.53 - A photo of an empty, clean, and minimalist car service center


Dara Auto in Numbers





2.2K m²

Showrooms Area

3.4K m²

Service Area


Stay Tuned, Auto Brands Will Be Revealed Soon!

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